Ignorance: Incomprehension of the lies
Permanence: How long can grievances survive
Recreate: A scene the world has seen before
Glorify: The reason they're all dying for
Untold suffering war and pain
Living daily with disdain
Fighting evil face to face
Try to make a life again
Obliterate: The story that you so despise
Articulate: A new narration of mankind
Repudiate: Anything that may have come before
Implicate: Anyone that tries to become more
Untold suffering war and pain
Living daily with disdain
Overcome all inhumane
Free to make a life again
Untold suffering war and pain
Living daily with disdain
Overcome all inhumane
Free to make a life again
Free to make a life again
Untold suffering war and pain
Living daily with disdain
Fighting evil face to face
Try to make a life again
Untold suffering war and pain
Living daily with disdain
Overcome all inhumane
Free to make a life again