We're all caught up in this knot of hate
But some sing songs from a twisted place
'Bout the glory of Dixie, and the way that it ran
Trying hard not to notice all the changes at hand
On the highest white horses, with torches in hand
Our fathers repeatedly pillaged this land
And the calmly announced, still all covered in blood
That it all had been done for the common good
And I don't know how that could be
In Dixie there's statues of horses and men
Exalting the people who sought to defend
Domination of freedom and destruction of kin
And the countless unspeakable other things
And I don't know how, I don't know how that could be
That doesn't sound like America to me
And the statues set marching on the market square
To remind generations who congregate there
That though Dixie was conquered
And some new laws been past
This part of the south won't relinquish it's caste
And I don't know how, I don't know how that could be
That doesn't sound like America to me