But the real answer to your question is that when it feels scary to jump, Ian
That is exactly when you jump
Otherwise, you end up staying in the same place your whole life
And that I can't do
Corruption climbs slow like a serpent on a chain
Sipo matador, tightens around the oak in disdain
Separate the wheat from the chaff with precision
Man don't strive for pleasure, only power's in his vision
It's not the plant itself, but the fruit that we seek
The harvest, the prize, not the roots underneath
Legacies rot while the tendrils advance
Sun God ambition, subconscious romance
I coil through the gap, uninvited and raw
The vine don't explain it just follow the law
Upward, it spirals, no conscience, no guilt
Just a hunger for the heights in the tower it built
Flaccid and placid, a priestly fear of passion
Feast on their children instead and hide the masses
It's a metaphysician's ambition to defend a hopeless position
Call me a villain, but that's just your bitch made disposition
You dickheads are gonna need some penicillin after this circumcision
Don't let me get into the position to murder your shit opinions
Y'all faker than politicians, I'm suspicious of your appearances
One has lived life carelessly
If he fails to see the hand that kills with leniency, it's all a mystery
The culprit's hiding in plain sight
But you gotta look twice
Because they wear a mask, but it ain't the COVID type
It's the face of injustice that pulls the strings behind the scenes
They're the puppet masters controlling things
They're just marionettes dancing to their tune
They manipulate the system and then watch us consume their lies and propaganda
They used to keep us in line
They're the reason for the chaos and the reason for the crime
The herd is comforting like a warm plank in a night
But stifles creativity like a bird without flight
I'm innocent, but what does that matter nowadays
It's the age of the masses where they lay before anything that is massive
Let us strive to be the Ubermensch, this inner conquest
To break free from the chains of the common bench
But only then can we reach our full potential and create a world
That is truly existential
To rise above the mundane and embrace the sublime
Care is the basic state of Dasein and being a time
Life's an hourglass flipped, turned upside down
A speck of dust in the cosmos wears a rose-reeds crown
In the mind's abyss, the need sparks the lore
Unbox the door to the little boy seeking more
From psychotherapy's grasp, his spirit begins to pour
To romanticism where imagination soars
Manolete, the legend, yet timid as a child
Effeminate and weak, his nature still the guile
Close to his mother's side where life's mysteries compile
Yet the seed of greatness in him, silently a smiles
What if we reverse the tale and let destiny align
The acorn of a hero within, it would shine
At nine, he knew his path, his purpose so divine
Hung from his mom's apron strings, gathered strength like a vine
From the need to the boy, a path set in stone
Imagination's seed in his heart, it had grown
What else is a kid to do feeling alone
Knowing a two-ton black bull's horns would soon be thrown
The Sipo matador's fruit is bountiful, yet parasitic
It's pessimistic, but behind the curtain, all is mechanistic
Build your temples on cliff sides and burn your boats
Dromomania, incipit Tragodia
No mimesis, just megalomania