The sun is my warmth
I made these wings myself
Just stand by
Oh Let me fly
Until the ground is my home
And I've spent all my wealth
I can't die
Trust me I've tried
I say I'm on top of life
But maybe I just good at lying
Just give me a reason
To say goodbye
My soul is broken
But my body looks healed
I'm so good at deception
You think I'm happy here
I wear this smile and I do it with pride
But once your eyes are gone I sit here and cry
Don't wipe my tears I'll do that shit myself
It's been this long I don't need your help
Eat your food have your feast
Take your time and leave me be
Look in the mirror I hope you're happy with what you see
I've seen alot yet my reflections still
My enemy
I've seen those eyes
I've heard those lies
That tongue is a devil
And those lips are it's disguise
I've flown too high
My wings melt
I fall back home
I fall back home