Thursday, January 16, 2025
10:46 AM
I guess I just needed
To you know
Take a second
To flex on ya all real quick
Because you know
Im sober now
So I needed
To showboat that
We do enough
When we sloppy
And droopy
What about when we clean and proper
Why we keep it some secret? That's lame
I went and cleaned up
I swam the oracle, yeah
I took the blue beam up
I played the dream cup
And I won
The grand prize
Guess what?
It was f*ckin free
For real im livin it up
See I can still rythme
Truth be told
I needed to flex on me
I wanted to prove to me
I can still write
Without a spliff in my hand
Without a whiskey in me
Without a gram you understand
Im still the motherf*ckin man
Now I got a plan
I see all my fans
I see all the love
I see all the glow ups
I see all the blessings from above
My heart expands
Im feelin tanner than tan
Im feelin grander than grand
Im feelin like I can withstand
And overcome
And win
And I do
Cuz Im chosen
And breaking news
So are you
I chose you pikachu
But better yet
I chose me
Finally f*cking free
You and I
Me and me
And you
And we
Because why live life any other way
Life is about human connection
We are one
Close your eyes
Or keep em open
In the zone
When we know
We one
Flying eye above
Future called
Wanted to let you know
We won, heres your gold star
Near or far always
I be feeling like a cliche rising phoenix
Rising from the flames of yesterday
I know its not some secret
Or maybe it is
I was stuck
In addiction
For 6 years
You see
Tears tears
Heart breaking
Shattering now unfrozen
Now i got that super glue
Comin out the yazoo
For today f*ck yesterdays
We in the momen and im here to stay
Nice to meet you
Im the mothaf*ckin golden eagleim the golden goose
Im the golden egg
I undid the mutha f*ckin noose
Rising from the ashes
To greet you
Greet me
Treat you treat me
So thankful
Thank you.