Tom, I'll always love you. After all we made a vow
You never took it seriously, but I did, well until now
Tom, I've been unfaithful. Though I thought I never would
Now do I feel sad? Yes, but just a tad
I've been bad, and perhaps that's good
Because you rarely listen.. Because you never try
Because the man I married, was a hell of a nicer guy
Because our life grew boring, because I'm full of fears
Because he's done some things to me that you haven't done in years
Because I'm growing older, because my looks won't last
Because happy ever after, is a fairy tale of the past
Because he's quite a lover, because you quite, are not
Because you swore fidelity, then immediately forgot
Now you may double standard me, saying it's not the same somehow
But all the times you filandered me
I thought it was my fault, 'til now
And now I'll wear these frills, I'll wear this skirt
Though it's a little tight, I'll wear these shoes, the ones that hurt
You see I ain't Snow White
I'll wear the dress that's a little small, I'll wear the heels that are way too tall
Tom, take a look, I took it all
Because I'm only human, because I'm in my prime
Because you're out two timing me, for maybe the 15th time
Because you have no conscience, because he makes me drool
Because no longer will I play the role, the suffering wife, the fool
Because he thinks I'm special, because you think we're through
But most of all, I want him so much, because, because, because
Because he's not you